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Mayne Island Improvement District

AGM Minutes & Meeting Packages

Approved minutes of the Improvement District AGM are posted newest first. Draft AGM minutes are typically posted within 30 working days after the last meeting. Draft AGM minutes are not official until adopted at the next AGM.

YE 2022 - 59th Annual General Meeting

June. 17, 2023  

Download complete meeting package here

Download draft meeting minutes here

YE 2021 - 58th Annual General Meeting

June. 22, 2022   

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2020 - 57th Annual General Meeting

Sep. 18, 2021   

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2019 - 56th Annual General Meeting

Nov. 22, 2020   

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2018 - 55th Annual General Meeting

Apr. 13, 2019   

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2017 - 54th Annual General Meeting

Apr. 21, 2018   

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2016 - 53rd Annual General Meeting

Apr. 8, 2017  

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2015 - 52nd Annual General Meeting

Apr. 23, 2016  

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

YE 2014 - 51st Annual General Meeting

Apr. 25, 2015 

Download complete meeting package here

Download approved meeting minutes here

© 1964-2024

Mayne Island Improvement District. All Rights Reserved.

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